AllisonHouse Maps
Pricing Buy
Monthly Price per user $14.99/month
Annual Price per user $164.89/year
Web-Based (Desktop & Mobile) Yes
Overlay your choice of multiple products together Yes
Custom Color Tables Yes
Zoom, Pan & Tilt Yes
Left-Click data sampling Yes
Saved Views for layer & camera position recall Yes
Up to 14 runs available per model Yes
Overlay Real-Time Data with Forecast Data Yes
Fully customizable display Yes
One-click screenshots and animation recording Yes
Custom Branding and/or White-label (Contact Support) Yes
Meteogram Builder & Dashboard Yes
Hi-Res Numerical Weather Prediction Model Data
AH-WRF / AllisonHouse Proprietary WRF - 00Z & 12Z (2km, 6km, 18km) Yes
Air Quality Model Yes
ARPEGE (Global) / Metéo-France ARPEGE (7.5km - 16km) Yes
AVHRR - Advanced Very-High Resolution Radiometer (4km) Yes
ECMWF (Global) / ECMWF - WMO Essential Products ONLY (0.5º) Yes
GEM (Global) / Environment Canada GEM 2.5km Yes
RTMA / Real-Time Mesoscale Analysis (3km) Yes
RAP / Rapid Refresh (13km) Yes
HRRR / High Resolution Rapid Refresh (2.5km) Yes
HRRR Sub-hourly / High Resolution Rapid Refresh (2.5km) Yes
NAM-WRF / North American Mesoscale (CONUS) WRF (4km) Yes
NCEP NBM / National Blend of Models Yes
NSSL WRF / National Severe Storms Laboratory WRF Yes
GFS (Global) / Global Forecast System (0.25º) Yes
Customizable Base Layers
NASA Blue Marble Satellite Imagery Yes
Political Boundaries Yes
City Labels Yes
Roads Yes
Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor (MRMS) Data
Composite Reflectivity Yes
Composite Reflectivity at 10km Yes
Echo Tops 18 dBZ Yes
Hybrid Scan Reflectivity - HSR (Precipitation Typed) Yes
Maximum Estimated Hail Size - MEHS (1 & 24 Hours) Yes
Quantitative Precipitation Estimate - QPE (Real-time, 1h, 12h & 24h) Yes
Rotation / Azimuthal Shear (Real-time, 1h and 24h) Yes
MRMS Reflectivity At Lowest Altitude - RALA (Precipitation Typed) Yes
SPC Data
SPC Day 1 & 2 Outlooks Yes
Watch Outlines Yes
Mesoscale Discussions (MCD) Yes
WPC Data
Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts - Day 1, 2 & 3 Yes
NHC Data
Official Forecast Yes
Hurricane Hunters Yes
Models Yes
Satellite Imagery
GOES Visible, Infrared, and Water Vapor (West) Yes
GOES-16 (East) 16 Bands + 4 Supplemental Yes
Real-Time Overlays
CONUS ENTLN Lightning Yes
Global GLM (Geostationary Lightning Mapper) Lightning Yes
Local Storm Reports Yes
METAR Surface Observations Yes
Flash Flood, Severe Thunderstorm & Tornado Watches & Warnings Yes
Winter Weather Advisories, Watches & Warnings Yes Positions Yes
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